IPSC Contact Information.
Rey Olazo
President/Section Coordinator
Email: president@ipscmanitoba.com
Brad Kirkpatrick
Vice President
Email: bikirkpatrick1@gmail.com
Norm Frankfurt
NROI Deputy Director – Manitoba/MPHA Representative
Email: norfra@mts.net
Richard Santos
East Region Representative
The East Region is now defined as the former Interlake region and the part of the former Eastman region that is north of #1 highway.
Email: batangtambak@hotmail.com
Brayden Hay
West Region Representative
Westlake-Gladstone and Glenella-Lansdowne has been removed from the Central Region and added to the new West Region.
Email: braydenhay7@gmail.com
Dale Prystenski
South Region Representative
Westlake-Gladstone and Glenella-Lansdowne has been removed from our old Central boundary and added to new West Region. South gains the section of Eastman south of the # 1 Highway, extending to the Ontario border.
Email: dalepry@gmail.com
Rene Santos
North Region Representative
The North Region assumes the previous Norman regional boundaries; 53rd parallel and north (No boundary changes).
Email: renesantos666@gmail.com
Bimbo Aquino
Winnipeg Region Representative
The Winnipeg Region remains the same as the previous Winnipeg regional boundaries (No boundary changes, city of Winnipeg limits, not Perimeter HWY).
Email: l_09aquino@yahoo.com
Dennis Dela Cruz
Black Badge Training Director
Email: ipscmb.training@gmail.com
Ejay Ortega
Web Page Officer
Email: info@ipscmanitoba.com
Irene Chavez
Statistic Officer/Membership Director
Email: info@ipscmanitoba.com
National Team Selection Committee:
Rey Olazo/Brad Kirkpatrick
Match Coordinators:
Rey Olazo
Email: president@ipscmanitoba.com
Franklin Bodenchuk
Shotgun/PCC Match
Email: flying_franklin@hotmail.com
NROI Deputy Director – Manitoba/ MPHA Representative:
Norm Frankfurt